Art book subscriptions service

How subscriptions work

Subscriptions are automatically renewed four times per year, around the end of the school term. We'll automatically deliver a KeepArt mailer after each successful renewal.

So, for example, if you purchased a KeepArt art book with a subscription, the system will automatically charge your credit card/Paypal account at the end of the next school term. You’ll receive a new KeepArt mailer to fill with your kiddo's latest masterpieces to send to us to create your art book - without the need to place the order by yourself!

The end of school term drop dates we use are for NSW and are listed below. Your subscription will automatically renew close to these dates.

End of term 4, 2023: December 19, 2023
End of term 1, 2024: April 12, 2024
End of term 2, 2024: July 5, 2024
End of term 3, 2024: September 27, 2024
End of term 4, 2024: December 20, 2024

Can I pause or cancel a subscription?

Yes, absolutely. You can pause or cancel a subscription any time you want in the customer portal, as seen in the screenshot below. 

The customer portal can be accessed through the magic link you received in the email that was sent to you when you placed your initial subscription order. You can also access your subscriptions if you create a KeepArt account.

How to cancel a subscription screenshot shopify subscription app

How can I skip or reschedule a charge?

You can skip or reschedule the charge in the customer portal. Each scheduled delivery will have a Skip payment button next to it, which you can use to skip the charge. You can reschedule the charge by clicking on the Reschedule button next to the delivery date.

Can I add products to my subscription?

You can add products to your subscription in the customer portal. Just click on the Edit button in the products card and edit, remove or add products to your subscription.

What happens if the payment can't be processed?

If the subscription can't be renewed because a payment can't be processed you will receive an email with a link where you can safely update your payment method.

Our mission is simple

To celebrate the pure creativity of childhood and make those fleeting moments last a lifetime.